Ash William
1854 - 1921
Vigar Frances
1876 - 1954
Ash George Clarence
1904 - 1968




    Hattwell John
  Hattwell John
1820 - 1897
White Rachel
1824 - 1900
Ash George
1853 - 1923
Hattwell Rachel Jane
1854 - 1896
Ash George John Thomas
1886 - 1893




Ash William
1854 - 1921
Vigar Frances
1876 - 1954
Ash Henry Lester
1910 - 1921




    Hattwell John
?  Barge Joseph
? - 1868
Warr Martha
Phillips William
1791 - 1859
Swaffield Sarah
1794 - 1858
Minchington John
1787 - 1850
Rowe Jane
1796 - 1841
  Hattwell John
1820 - 1897
White Rachel
1824 - 1900
Barge Joseph
Phillips Augusta
1825 - 1886
Minchington Henry
1821 - 1869
Marsh Mary
Ash George
1853 - 1923
Hattwell Rachel Jane
1854 - 1896
Barge William Henry
1860 - 1913
Minchington Mary Jane
1860 - 1944
Ash Walter Albert
1896 - 1983
Barge Ellen Augusta Mary
1892 - 1960
Ash Iris Ellen Mary
1921 - 1982
Spiers Private__Spiers Private__
Spiers Private__




    Hattwell John
  Hattwell John
1820 - 1897
White Rachel
1824 - 1900
Ash George
1853 - 1923
Hattwell Rachel Jane
1854 - 1896
Ash James Thomas
1893 - 1893




Ash William
1854 - 1921
Vigar Frances
1876 - 1954
Ash Janet
1906 - 1985




        Barge Joseph
? - 1868
Warr Martha
Phillips William
1791 - 1859
Swaffield Sarah
1794 - 1858
Minchington John
1787 - 1850
Rowe Jane
1796 - 1841
    Barge Joseph
Phillips Augusta
1825 - 1886
Minchington Henry
1821 - 1869
Marsh Mary
Ash William
1854 - 1921
Vigar Frances
1876 - 1954
Barge William Henry
1860 - 1913
Minchington Mary Jane
1860 - 1944
Ash Thomas Abel
1895 - 1948
Barge Mildred Alice
1893 - 1981
Ash Private
Phyland Private__Phyland Private__
Phyland Private__
Phyland Private__



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