Phillips Tom James
1864 - 1924
Vincent Elizabeth
Phillips Gordon George Vincent
1898 - 1966
Dark Elsie May
Phillips Roland William Vincent
1925 - 2002
Abraham Private
Phillips Private
Johnson Private
Phillips Private




Phillips Enos
1814 - 1885
Stevens Mary Ann
1814 - 1888
Phillips George
1834 - 1914
Hawker Mary Ann
Phillips Tom James
1864 - 1924
Vincent Elizabeth
Phillips Gordon George Vincent
1898 - 1966
Dark Elsie May
Phillips Private
Ceely Private_Ceely Private__
Ceely Private__




Phillips William
1791 - 1859
Swaffield Sarah
1794 - 1858
Phillips Enos
1814 - 1885
Stevens Mary Ann
1814 - 1888
Phillips George
1834 - 1914
Hawker Mary Ann
Phillips Fred
May Thirza
Phillips Reginald Fred George
1906 - 1994
Harrison Gladys_Phillips Private__




Phillips William
1791 - 1859
Swaffield Sarah
1794 - 1858
Phillips Enos
1814 - 1885
Stevens Mary Ann
1814 - 1888
Phillips George
1834 - 1914
Hawker Mary Ann
Phillips Tom James
1864 - 1924
Vincent Elizabeth
Phillips Rita Sybil Jenkins
1904 - 1985




Phillips Enos
1814 - 1885
Stevens Mary Ann
1814 - 1888
Phillips George
1834 - 1914
Hawker Mary Ann
Phillips Tom James
1864 - 1924
Vincent Elizabeth
Phillips Gordon George Vincent
1898 - 1966
Dark Elsie May
Phillips Roland William Vincent
1925 - 2002
Abraham Private_Phillips Private__
Phillips Private__



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